标题: how to get back your data from xhide (after forgotten your password) [打印本页] 作者: olamifemzy 时间: 2019-02-13 19:45 标题: how to get back your data from xhide (after forgotten your password) many users usually complained and worry about this, after they have activated xhide hidden mode, and they forgot their password, here is the solution.[br]all you have to do is:[br][br]go to your file explorer and open the menu option.[br]tap the show hidden file.[br]then you will find the xhide file.[br]open it and tap no media , then tap video or pictures or app anyone you intended to get back.[br]copy everything there to your SD card,[br]also back up all your data to SD card and reset factory data, after that open the xhide app and add one picture,one video and one app there then go to your file explorer and open the menu option, tap show hidden file and open the xhide data, open the no media , and paste all those data that you copied from the xhide hidden file before factory data reset, paste everything there and quit.[br]now go to your xhide app and you will find all your data there.[br]thanks for understanding.[br]follow me for more.[br][br][br]infinix...... the future is now作者: zaixaine 时间: 2019-02-13 20:40
Okay thanks 作者: olamifemzy 时间: 2019-02-13 20:42
{:14_34:}作者: Gyang Peter 时间: 2019-02-14 03:44
This is good作者: olamifemzy 时间: 2019-02-14 03:49
{:14_34:}{:14_35:}作者: peaceco22 时间: 2019-02-23 01:39
pls remind me on how to get file explorer on my phone作者: olamifemzy 时间: 2019-02-23 01:58
download this custom infinix file manager from play store[br][img src=http://admin.infinix.club/data/attachment/forum/201902/22/27200905c703849d40c4.png]
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