by mona915 | 2018-03-10 09:21
where is the x security and music player app? how to lock app with fingerprint?
by HPgrafiks | 2018-03-10 09:07
Got the update for the Oreo 8.1 but with hummingbird v2.3
by ChocolatyBoy | 2018-03-10 02:33
bro i am also using note 4
but i did not receive any update
can u plz guide me
by cotiadex | 2018-03-10 17:54
What abt note 4 Pro????
by venkateshn | 2018-03-11 20:43
can we get back to android nougout version?
by venkateshn | 2018-03-11 20:43
can we get back to android nougout version?
by Fady_13 | 2018-03-11 21:45
لو سمحت انا كنسلت تحديث الاوريو من غير قصد في طريقة احد ...
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