标题: 11 EXCITING NEW FEATURES & CHANGES IN ANDROID 10 [打印本页] 作者: marvinci 时间: 2019-01-28 16:40 标题: 11 EXCITING NEW FEATURES & CHANGES IN ANDROID 10 KINDLY NOTE THAT XDA BEING REFERRED TO HERE IS THE XDA-DEVELOPERS.COM FORUM. [br][br]2019's major Android update should be a special one — it will[br]be the tenth full version of the world's most commonly used[br]operating system. The upcoming release, which should be known[br]as Android 10 (codename Android Q), has already leaked, giving[br]us a good idea of what to expect. While it isn't a dramatic visual[br]change, there are a lot of goodies to look forward to.[br][br]Google has recently started referring to Android versions without[br]the usual "point-0" suffix, so we expect Android 10 to simply be[br]called "ten." As for the dessert codename, there aren't many[br]choices that start with the letter Q (Qurabiya? Quindim?), but a[br]sponsored name like Android Quik isn't out of the question.[br][br]While much is not known about the name or nickname, there is knowledge of an extraordinary amount about the actual update itself, thanks to the folks XDA getting their hands on a leaked build of the upcoming release. There are privacy improvements, a new dark mode, and even a chance that major system updates could start being pushed through the Google Play Store, so there's plenty to dig into.[br][br]SYSTEM-WIDE DARK MODE ( FINALLY !)[br][br][br]
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[br][br]Back in 2017, before Android Pie was released, an Android user asked Google about implementing a system-wide dark mode in Android . Their reasoning was that with the rise of OLED panels in smartphones, including this feature was an easy way to improve battery. Google however released the Dark mode for only Google-developed Apps like YouTube, Messages, Phone etc. [br]But guess what, Dark Mode is finally here and it is System-Wide. Located under the "Display" menu in Settings, by selecting "Set Dark Mode," you can turn on a system-wide dark theme on, off, or have it automatically come on based on the time of the day (very similar to the dark mode we got in Android 9).[br][br]There are two key differences between the Android 10 dark mode and the half-baked one in Android 9. First, it will turn all system apps dark, as opposed to Android 9's version only working in select Google apps. Second, with an extra setting enabled in Developer Options, it can even turn third-party apps dark. This will essentially just invert colors in third-party apps, so it may not be perfect in some apps, but it will ensure every app on your phone goes dark when dark mode is enabled. [br][br]APEX ( SYSTEM UPDATES THROUGH THE PLAY STORE ?)[br][br]Imagine not having to wait on carriers or your phone's manufacturer to roll out an OTA update before you could get access to the latest Android features. Instead, a large part of these updates would come directly from Google as soon as they were available, perhaps through a simple app update on the Play Store.[br]According to XDA, an expansion of APEX ("application express") in Android 10 could lead to such a scenario. At the very least, it appears Google will be changing the way libraries are updated in the new version. Libraries are precompiled code which are called on by other programs such as Android apps. In previous versions of Android, these libraries required a software update in order to be updated.[br][br]With Android 10, these libraries can now be updated in the same manner as an app. While the full ramifications of this change are still unknown, on the surface, it appears as though this could mean a large chunk of system updates could be offloaded onto the Play Store. In a perfect world, this would mean the biggest parts of Android updates would be available to all users almost immediately. [br][br]NO MORE ANDROID BEAM [br][br][br]
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[br][br]If I asked you to recall the last time you used Android Beam, would you remember? It seems this might be the case for many Android users, which would explain why Google might be getting rid of it in Android 10.[br][br]XDA (xda-developers.com) noticed commits in AOSP deprecating the Android Beam API in Android 10. While the feature was much more useful when it first launched, a lot has changed since then. Namely, the ability share large files easily with file sharing apps or Bluetooth has limited its usage, and it appears (although, we are not entirely sure) Google feels it is no longer needed. [br][br]While Google is removing the feature, they're still leaving it up to manufacturers to decide whether or not to keep Android Beam. When OEMs add support for NFC, they will also have to declare support for Android Beam. How many OEMs continue to support this feature is anyone's guess, but it looks like the end of days are coming for Android Beam.[br][br]BETTER PERMISSIONS MANAGEMENT [br][br]Once again, Google is continuing their effort to protect its users from malicious apps and malware with Android 10. Based on a leak obtained by XDA, Android 10 will include more control over permissions. Now, you can specify that apps can only access certain sensors and permissions while you're actively using them. For example, you could give Google Maps permission to access your location while the app is open, but block the location permission when Google Maps is closed.[br][br]The information page for individual permissions has also been revamped, making it easier to understand for casual users. Borrowing from the look of the Digitial Wellbeing app, Android 10 makes it easy to see which apps have access to a permission and which ones you've denied. It will also list which permission is the most requested and which permission is the most used, so you can make an educated decision regarding how sensors are used by apps installed on your phone.[br][br]NEW PRIVACY INDICATORS [br][br]Just as Android 9 made a considerable push toward improving the privacy and security of its users, based on a leaked build obtained by XDA, Android 10 is following in its footsteps.[br][br]Whenever an app is actively using your GPS, camera, or microphone, an icon will appear in the status bar to let you know. If you tap the corresponding notification, you'll get a popup that lists all the apps that are currently using the sensor, including a button that directs you to a new page for even more information. This is something new for mobile operating systems, and it shows how committed Google is to protecting its users from the dangers of the web.[br][br]NEW ' SENSORS OFF ' TOGGLE [br][br]Android 10 will also include a new "sensors off" Quick Settings tile. According to XDA, this tile appears to disable all radios and turn on airplane mode.[br][br]XDA speculates this might also turn off sensors such as the accelerometer, gyroscope, and others. If this turns out to be true, this would be one of the first times a mobile phone provided this access, which could help curb the fears of the most privacy- conscious individuals.[br][br]RCS MESSAGING FOR 3RD - PARTY APPS [br][br][br]
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[br][br]RCS, or Rich Communication Services, has been slow in its rollout. This is primarily due to the number of independent components which have to make changes to their part of the chain for RCS messaging to work outside of their network.[br][br]Besides making interoperability possible with Jibe Cloud and their work on the Universal Profile, Google has done their part with Android by adding support for the new messaging service in Android Messages. Unfortunately, this is one of the only apps which supports the feature.[br][br]According to XDA, Android 10 will include APIs to open the new standard to third-party developers. This means that your favorite texting app could soon include RCS's iMessage-style messaging services. This will also help spearhead RCS eventually replacing SMS and MMS and the standard for text messages. These APIs are still in their early stages, but one developer did comment on a code that he intended to implement the RCS API in Android 10.[br][br]DESKTOP MODE?[br][br]We have seen both Samsung and Huawei add the ability to use Android in a desktop-like experience with either a dock or a cable, but it looks like they won't be alone for long. XDA found a setting to "Force desktop mode" in Developer Options in Android 10, with a description reading "force experimental desktop mode on secondary displays." XDA wasn't able to test this feature, but based on the description, it appears Android is getting native support for desktop mode.[br][br]NEW OPTIONS IN ACCESSIBILITY [br][br]XDA also reports that Android 10 made a few changes to Accessibility. There are two new options in the Accessibility menu, "Time to take action" and "Time to read." The former seems to manage the duration of snackbar messages, allowing you more time to see and interact with them.[br][br]"Time to read" controls the duration of heads up notifications and other messages "that ask you take action, but are only visible temporarily." Similar to snackbars, these can be extended to a duration up to two minutes in order for you to have the necessary time to interact with them.[br][br]SMALL CHANGES TO AMBIENT DISPLAY [br][br]The always-on display feature has been slightly tweaked in stocks Android 10. According to XDA , the setting has been moved to from under "Ambient Display" to "Lock screen display."[br][br]Visually, the battery and notification icons no longer appear below the clock and date. Instead, they appear in their respective corners along the status bar, similar to when the phone is unlocked. There is also a feature flag which lets your current wallpaper appear on the always-on display.[br][br]CARRIERS CAN EXCLUDE PHONES [br][br]According to 9to5Google , four commits have posted which focus on carriers' ability to restrict devices. Specifically, in Android 10, carriers will now be able to create a whitelist and a blacklist of phones for their networks, making it difficult for certain unlocked phones to be used with their cell service.[br][br]New constraints are also coming which involve dual-SIM phones. With Android 10 devices, carriers will be able to restrict the second SIM slot from activating until an approved SIM card is in the first slot. This restraint will apply even after restarting the phone or if you conduct a factory reset.[br][br]DISCLAIMER: The above features are based on speculation that has undergone lengthy investigation to be proven true, however they are subject to change in the future with the eventual release of the Android 10 version. [br][br]So, what do you think about Android 10 so far? Are you excited about the new update? [br]Let us know in the comment section below.
作者: cuteguy14911 时间: 2019-01-28 17:01
Wow... can't wait to see how's gonna be like. Thumbs up guys{:16_21:}作者: Boobysmith 时间: 2019-01-28 17:10
Android 10 will be amazingly amazing, can't wait. Still no name thou作者: StKizito 时间: 2019-01-28 17:26
[p][img src="/emoticon/type1/af034.png" alt="{:14_34:}" data-w-e="1"][br]作者: zaixaine 时间: 2019-01-28 17:59
Hope note 5 will get this update oh? 作者: Arielblunt 时间: 2019-01-28 18:47
This sounds good. 作者: Gslide360 时间: 2019-01-28 18:49
Android 10 already??? 作者: olamifemzy 时间: 2019-01-28 22:28
note 5&5 stylus users should be happy as they will surely received it.
infinix the future is now{:16_21:}{:16_24:}{:16_24:}作者: olamifemzy 时间: 2019-01-28 22:29
nice one.
infinix the future is now{:16_21:}{:16_24:}{:16_24:}作者: Polywater2015 时间: 2019-01-28 22:33
nice one, waiting for it作者: KrazyDave016 时间: 2019-01-29 04:41
some of these features might not reach other devices, don't start getting your hopes up作者: KrazyDave016 时间: 2019-01-29 04:42
hope the APEX part is true, as well as the notification UI change作者: sakhr68 时间: 2019-01-30 00:24
Thanks brother for sharing 作者: Tessy 时间: 2019-01-30 02:23
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