Good day Readers, have anyone of you ever tried sending message to a friend on whatsApp and it isn't going through, their last seen was not visible, profile picture was unavailable and status wasn't even showing. If you've ever encountered such that implies that the person in question have blocked you from their whatsApp.[br][br]Although So many things can make someone to use the block button on you, but if for any reason at all someone blocks you, just relax! because i'm here with a tutorial on how to unblock yourself on WhatsApp and even chat with the person that blocked you.[br][br]7 Easy Step to Unblock Yourself on WhatsApp[br][br][br]Step 1: Take down the number of the person that blocked you then delete it from your contact list.[br][br]Step 2: Back up your contacts, [br]You can do this by going to Settings ] Chats ] Chat backup.[br]You'll be prompted to select a Google account where the messages and media files will be stored.[br]Once done, click “Back Up”[br][br]Step 3: Delete your whatsApp Account[br]Go to account settings delete your account.[br]Once done, you will no longer be active on WhatsApp, and technically, no one can block a contact which is not on WhatsApp.[br]So, whoever blocks you will no longer have you on the blocked list.[br][br]Step 4: Clear your whatsApp data[br]Navigate to your phone settings ] app ] WhatsApp and clear the data to avoid any coincidence.[br][br]Step 5: Re-download/Install Whatsapp[br]Now, download WhatsApp again or get one from a friend through Xender, then register your number.[br][br]Step 6: Restore Chats[br]After registering, you'll receive a prompt to restore your backed up messages.[br]Accept it, then tap next once it is completed.[br]Now, your chats will be displayed once initialization is complete.[br][br]Step 7: Re-add contact[br]Finally, save the contact of the person that blocked you which you earlier wrote down.[br][br]That's all Readers! You've successfully unblocked yourself. You can now locate the contact on WhatsApp and message him/her. Isn't that savage?[br][br] |