There has been a recent trend of carrying out changed in the WhatsApp format. The latest change is on the privacy settings released presently.[br][br][br]
[br][br]As per this change, the person who should approve the inclusion of new members in the WhatsApp group can be selected. To execute this option, select the options Account – Privacy – Groups options and then coos one of the 3 options given – Nobody, My Contacts or Everyone.[br][br]When selecting Nobody, your approval is required to allow new members to join in that particular WhatsApp group. The option Mycontacts gives the option that only the members already in the group permit the joining of a new member.[br][br]In these instances, when another person attempts to allow you to join, a personal invitation for this is called for. For the user, 3 days’ time duration is given for this. After 3 days, this ‘invite’ automatically gest cancelled.[br][br]With these new features, the user can exercise better control of the messages in the group. The above changes will be given to some user from today. Gradually, this would be extended globally.[br][br] |