WhatsApp has allegedly scrapped plans to roll out a ‘dark mode’ for Android.[br][br]The Facebook-owned app was believed to be planning to follow in the footsteps of tech giants like Apple and Twitter, which both offer the ability to select dark backgrounds.[br][br]But now the reliable WhatsApp news website WABetaInfo has dashed the hopes of people looking forward to seeing this feature rolled out.[br][br]‘I know that it might be very ironic, but WhatsApp has completely removed the dark mode (that was under development) in the Android app,’ WEBetaInfo tweeted.[br][br]The news prompted a minor outpouring of rage.[br][br]‘WhatsApp is going to be dead,’ one fan tweeted.[br][br]‘There are no interesting features anymore.[br]‘Honestly, I won’t update WhatsApp anymore until i know that there is a new interesting feature.’[br][br]‘WTF?’ another person roared. ‘OUR DAM EYES HURT AT NIGHT WHERE TF IS DARK MODE?’[br][br]Apple has already embraced dark mode which is built into iOS 12 and as became available on its computers with the release of MacOS Mojave.[br][br]It’s been claimed that turning windows dark makes for easier reading at night and could also help save battery life on your devices. |