Find My Device is a lifesaver feature for the absentminded among us. Even if you've just left your phone in the couch cushions, you can use the feature to ring it. Now, the service has picked up a new feature that can help in more dire circumstances: it can now show where your phone is on an indoor map of some large buildings, like malls and airports.[br][img src="/storage/emulated/0/Download/ap_resize.png"][br]Google's been messing around with indoor maps for years; you can check the layout of many department stores and other large indoor spaces in Google Maps. Find My Device can show on those maps where your device is located. Here's the changelog for the latest version:[br][img src="/storage/emulated/0/Pictures/Screenshots/Screenshot_20181126-125430.png"][br]It's no guarantee you'll get your phone back, but this new feature added to the Find My Device app should make it easier to track down the phone. For example, this new feature added to Find My Device can let you know that you left it not just at a random place in the Shopping Mall but specifically at the toy section in Shoprite. Imagine! That makes it easier to know where to go to find your smartphone.[br][br]Download the updated app from Google Play Store.[br][br]https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.google.android.apps.adm |