Hello guys, [br][br]Although this is not mobile related, once in a while we do come across this decision when we use a USB flash drive device on our computers.
[br]Tech experts keep suggesting you to do so to prevent data corruption or loss.
[br]Now you may have tried without ejecting several times, so does that mean it is not important?
[br]In short, No, You do not really need to safely eject your USB drive every time, but there is a catch. Obviously removing a drive when in use or files being copied will lead to data loss or corruption, hence the need for the safe eject option.
[br]So in summary, you do not always need to safely eject your USB drive and yes when an operation is ongoing for example copying files to the USB drive you should safely eject to avoid data loss.
[br]We hope Microsoft will improve on this in the future where we will not be worries about data losses.[br][br]###våmßhį ### |