WhatsApp will soon allow users to share their Status on Facebook as well as other apps like Instagram. The new feature is currently in testing and should be rolled out for all soon.[br][br][br]
[br][br][br]WhatsApp after teasing this feature for some time has now started testing the ability to share WhatsApp Status to Facebook and other apps. The feature is currently being tested with limited users who are part of WhatsApp's beta programme on Android. According to the initial reports, WhatsApp users who will be getting the new share Status feature will see a new sharing option just below their Status. [br][br]The messaging platform will let users share their WhatsApp Status directly to Facebook Stories. The Status feature, however, isn't just limited to Facebook as users can share it with other apps like Instagram, Gmail, and Google Photos. [br][br]The Verge reports that while WhatsApp will start allowing users to share Status on Facebook, there will be no direct link between the two in general. This means that for the company WhatsApp Status and Facebook Stories are two separate things. The Verge report further cites WhatsApp to claim that the feature won't mean that every WhatsApp Status will be automatically shared on Facebook. Users who wish to share their Status on Facebook will have to do it manually every time as the company insists that the feature is meant to be "an active decision on the part of the user."[br][br]The sharing feature is likely to play a significant role for both WhatsApp and Facebook as apart from integration; this could also help people share personal stories on Facebook.[br][br]The company launched WhatsApp Status in February 2017 and much like Instagram Stories, it remains visible for 24 hours. The WhatsApp Status feature was announced to mark WhatsApp's 8th birthday on February 24 2017. Notably, WhatsApp Status are also end-to-end encrypted.[br][br]WhatsApp Status is used by over 500 million users daily globally, according to the data revealed by the company. WhatsApp Status will also start showing ads to users beginning in 2020.[br][br][br]Source : timesnownews. com |