Edited by Dhyann at 2018-09-22 21:32
[h1 style="text-align: center;"]What is [span style="font-weight: bold;"][/span][span style="font-style: italic;"][/span][span style="text-decoration-line: underline;"][/span]freezer ??[/h1][br][h3 style="text-align: center;"]A freezer is one among the many features of the phone master app which is in built it all Infinix Devices .[/h3][br][h3 style="text-align: center;"]Basically , freezer app just disables the unused app that you add to. it . [/h3][br][h2][span style="background-color: rgb(194, 79, 74);"]So what does it Basically Do[/span] ??[/h2][br][span style="font-weight: bold; font-style: italic;"]Freezer app Disables apps automatically that are added to the list . [br][/span][br][h2][span style="text-decoration-line: underline;"][span style="background-color: rgb(139, 170, 74);"]what are the Advantages [/span]?[/span]??[/h2][br]1. freezer disables useless apps so it saves :- [br][br][span style="background-color: rgb(123, 91, 161);"]Battery [br]RAM[br]storage [/span][br][br]And Certainly , [span style="background-color: rgb(249, 150, 59);"]More Privacy [/span].. [br][br][br]thereby , enjoy using freezer . [br][br][span style="background-color: rgb(139, 170, 74);"]The Future Is Now[/span] , [br][span style="background-color: rgb(139, 170, 74);"]Infinix[/span] |