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Golden Star LV22

ACTIVE STARpost star1post star2sign star1sign star2sign star3X'Club badge exclusive for Nigeria

发表于 2019-02-25 00:04:23 来自手机 | 只看该作者 |只看大图 回帖奖励 |正序浏览 |阅读模式
The Android versus iphone debate continues to rumble on. But one thing is certain: Google's phone software is more versatile and customizable than Apple's offering. Dig into the settings and tweaks available for your Android phone and you'll find a host of clever features and useful tools. We've collected 10 of them right here[br]l [a href="https://i.jsrdn.com/i/1.gif?r=cswu&k=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&fwd=http%3A%2F%2Fdistroscale.com"] [/a][img src="https://i.jsrdn.com/i/1.gif?r=hwxt&k=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" aid="r=hwxt&k=ZAlldS13ZXN0LTFiCWgJaS0wOTAzMzRkZGVjOWE2MmNiYQl1CTU2OGIwMTgzLWEzOWItNGM2ZC1hM2I2LTkxMTJkNWY0YmM0MAl2CWY4OGY1MGM3LWU1OGMtNDY1MS04NjNmLTRiNTYxNGQxYmRiYQl2bAkyMDE5MDIyNC4xNDEyCXZ0CTIwMTkwMjI0LjE0MTIJdnMJMjAxOTAxMDgJdmMJMjAxODAyMjAJc3QJMjAxOTAyMjQuMTUxMTIzCWkJMGQ0NmJkZGEtYmM4MC00ZmE3LThhMTgtNjljZGQzMWZhNjhiCWYJaHR0cHM6Ly93d3cucG9wc2NpLmNvbS9oaWRkZW4tYW5kcm9pZC10cmlja3MJcQliY2ZhMDNjNy0yN2Y0LTRlMWYtOWU4My01ZWUyMWJkZDRjNWMJbQkyMjMwMAliCTQxMAlnCTc4Nwl0CTUwMjcJYwk1MDgxCWwJMTA3NTgJegkxMDAzNwlzCTQ1NTUJcAkyMjMwMAl3CWxpZmVzdHlsZQlnYwlORwlncgkwNQlnZAkwCWduCWZhbHNlCW5lCWl2CW5kCWl2CXNkCXBvcHNjaS5jb20JbmYJaXYJcXAJNTAJcXQJMjUwMAlwbgk2MTcJdm4JODE4NzM2CWUJaW0JYQkyMTIxMwlvCQ"][a href="https://i.jsrdn.com/i/1.gif?r=cswu&k=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&fwd=http%3A%2F%2Fdistroscale.com"][/a][img src="https://c5x8i7c7.ssl.hwcdn.net/creatives/site_logos/dslogo_sm.png"][a href="https://i.jsrdn.com/i/1.gif?r=cswu&k=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&fwd=http%3A%2F%2Fdistroscale.com"][/a][br][br]A quick note before we begin: Android has a wide variety of makes, models, and versions, which makes it more difficult to find features that will be consistent across all devices. We only verified the following tips on stock Android 7.0 Nougat—they should also work on related systems, but some of the menus and procedures may vary slightly.[br][br]1 of 10[br][br]1. Cast your Android screen[br][br]ANDROID CASTING[br] First, check to make sure you've installed the [a href="https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.google.android.apps.chromecast.app"]Google Home app[/a] for Android. You probably already used this program to set up your Chromecast. Open the app, tap Cast screen/audio from its menu, and then choose your Chromecast. Your device's display should appear on the big screen.[br][br]2 of 10[br][br]2. Run apps side-by-side[br][br]SPLIT SCREEN[br]One of the new features added in Android 7.0 Nougat is the option to run apps side-by-side or one above the other. [br][br]To set it up, tap the Overview button (the square icon below the screen) button, and choose which of your recently used apps you want to see. Then, hold and drag that app's title bar to the top or left of the display. Finally, choose another open app to appear alongside or under it.[br][br]3. Make text and images more visible[br][br]DISPLAY SIZE[br]To change size settings, open the Android Settings app and go to the Display heading. From the Display menu, tap the Font size link to change the default font size in Android. Select the Display size link to make on-screen objects larger or smaller.[br][br]4. Change volume settings independently[br][br]Your device plays several different types of audio—including ring tones, notifications, alarms, phone calls, and media. If you've ever gone to the Settings menu, opened Sounds, and tapped Volume, you'll have seen that you can use individual sliders to adjust these audio types individually.[br][br]However, Android gives you a quick-and-easy shortcut. Tap the physical volume buttons on the side of your device to make whatever's currently playing softer or louder (if no media is playing, this action will adjust your ringtone volume). When you do, a small box will pop up on the screen, showing which volume setting is changing and how. On the side of that box, you should see a small arrow. Tap it, and the box will expand to show multiple volume sliders at once. This can save you a trip to Settings.[br][br]5. Lock phone borrowers inside one app[br]SCREEN PINNING[br][br]Screen pinning is easy to set up. Open Settings, go to the Security menu, and enable screen pinning. Once you've turned on the feature, launch the app your friend needs to use. Then open Overview by tapping the square navigation button below the phone screen. On the window for the most recently opened app, you should see a pin icon (it looks like a little thumbtack) in the lower right-hand corner. Tap the pin button to pin that app to the screen.[br][br][br]6. Disable the lock screen at home[br]SMART LOCK[br][br]From Settings, tap Security and then Smart Lock. As well as disabling the lock screen when you're at home (that's the trusted places option), you can also disable the screen when your phone's Bluetooth is connected to a trusted device, such as your car stereo unit.[br][br][br]7. Tweak the status bar[br][br]SYSTEM UI TUNER[br][br]To enable it (if it's available on your phone), swipe down from the top of the screen with two fingers to show the Quick Settings pane. Locate the settings gear icon in the top right, then press and hold it for a few seconds. If you see a confirmation message, that means you've successfully enabled Settings UI. When you go to the Settings menu, you should see a new menu entry called "System UI Tuner." Tap on this new entry, then choose Status bar to control which icons— from Bluetooth mode to battery levels—will show up in the status bar.[br][br][br]8. Choose new default apps[br]default app[br][br]Take advantage of this flexibility by setting up the defaults as you want them. Head to Settings, then Apps, then tap the cog icon in the upper right corner. Select any of the categories on screen to see a list of installed apps that can take over default duties. For example, if you'd prefer to chat with friends via [a href="http://www.popsci.com/bots-come-to-facebook-messenger"]Facebook Messenger[/a], rather than your phone's built-in SMS app, you can make Facebook's product your default messaging app.[br][br]9. Bring back lost notifications[br][br]NOTIFICATION LOG[br][br]Tap and hold on an empty part of the home screen, and a screen-adjusting mode will pop up. Choose Widgets, and find the Settings shortcut. Drag this icon to an empty space on one of your home screens and drop it in place, and a list will automatically pop up. Choose Notification log from the list and tap the icon to open up Android's notification history.[br][br]10. Activate one-handed mode[br][br]ONE-HANDED MODE[br][br]This keyboard tweak makes your phone easier to use one-handed.p A special one-handed mode that you can switch to with a simple shortcut. If you own a Pixel or Nexus device, this keyboard will be your default typing option. If you're on a Samsung or LG phone, you'll have to first [a href="https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.google.android.inputmethod.latin"]download Google's version[/a] and set it as your default keyboard[br][br]infinix..... the future is now[br][br]
it is good to be cheerful and willing to help others and that is my favorite on daily basis {:16_3:} the future is now

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Super CP

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发表于 2019-02-26 01:11:37 来自手机 | 只看该作者
Nice share brother

使用道具 举报







Golden Star LV27

ACTIVE STAR20M4.0xclub2019sign star1sign star2sign star3post star1post star2sign star4post star3X'Club badge exclusive for Nigeria

发表于 2019-02-25 07:43:11 来自手机 | 只看该作者
Nice share

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Jade Star LV3

sign star1sign star2sign star3

发表于 2019-02-25 03:31:45 来自手机 | 只看该作者
good one

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