[img src="/storage/emulated/0/Download/IMG_20190624_181936.jpg"][br][br]Phishing is one of the most common scams faced by many users. Scammers are now looking into new ways and method to trick users. As reported by Wired, the cyber criminals are now taking advantage of the default settings on an app to scam the users.[br][br]As per the report, the scammers are using Calendar app. With the help of a new setting the hackers automatically add invitations to your schedule even if you have not responded to them.[br][br]Just moments before the event starts, a reminder is sent your smartphone.[br][br]The scammers use this feature in order to get hold of your personal banking information, social security number and other personal data. The hackers add invitations to your Google Calendar account which send you a reminder suggesting that you have awire transfer in your bank account and you are required to complete the information by adding the account PIN number.[br][br]Apart from this, sometimes users also get a pop up suggesting that they have won a contest and the rules require them to report the social security number in order to collect the prize.Users will keep on getting these notifications until they press on the notification link or the invite is deleted. Users fall prey to this kind of scam as the notification is coming from the trusted Google Calendar app.[br][br]In order to save yourself from this kind of scam, the users can just make a change in the app settings. Users have to go to the settings menu of Google Calendar app and turn off the option of 'Automatically add invitations'. After this, users have to scroll down and also uncheck the "Show declined events," doing this will prevent the pop-up of fake invites.[br][br]Source: https://www.m.timesofindia.com/gadgets-news/criminals-are-using-this-google-app-to-empty-your-bank-account/amp_articleshow/69928738.cms[br] |