Edited by Dinesh Vishwakarma at 2019-04-04 15:06
To make sure you can get back into your Google Account if you ever can’t sign in, add recovery information.[br][br]
[br][br][strong]How recovery info helps you[/strong][br][br]A recovery phone number or email address helps you reset your password if:[br][br]You forget your password[br][br][ul][li]Someone else is using your account[br][/li][/ul][ul][li]You’re locked out of your account for another reason[br][/li][/ul][strong]Add or change a recovery phone number[/strong][br][br][ul][li]On your Android phone or tablet, open your device's Settings app > [strong]Google[/strong] > [strong]Google Account[/strong].[br][/li][/ul][ul][li]At the top, tap [strong]Security[/strong].[br][/li][/ul][ul][li]Under "Ways we can verify it's you," tap [strong]Recovery phone[/strong]. You might need to sign in.[br][/li][/ul][ul][li]From here, you can:[br][br][/li][/ul]dd a recovery phone.[br][ul][li][br][/li][/ul]hange your recovery phone: Next to your number, select Edit.[br][ul][li][br][/li][/ul]elete your recovery phone: Next to your number, select Delete.[br][br][ul][li]Follow the steps on the screen.[br][/li][/ul][strong]Note[/strong]: Deleting your recovery phone number doesn’t delete it from being used for other Google services. Go to your account to [a href="https://myaccount.google.com/phone"]manage your phone numbers[/a].[br][br][strong]Which number to use[/strong][br][br]Use a mobile phone that:[br][br]Gets text messages[br][br][ul][li]Belongs only to you[br][/li][/ul][ul][li]You use regularly and keep with you[br][/li][/ul][strong]Add or change a recovery email address[/strong][br][br][ul][li]On your Android phone or tablet, open your device's Settings app > [strong]Google[/strong] > [strong]Google Account[/strong].[br][/li][/ul][ul][li]At the top, tap [strong]Security[/strong].[br][/li][/ul][ul][li]Under "Ways we can verify it's you," tap [strong]Recovery email[/strong]. You might need to sign in.[br][/li][/ul][ul][li]From here, you can:[br][br][/li][/ul]dd a recovery email.[br][ul][li][br][/li][/ul]hange or delete your recovery email: Next to your email, select Edit.[br][br][ul][li]Follow the steps on the screen.[br][/li][/ul][strong]Which email to use[/strong][br][br]Choose an email address that:[br][br]You use regularly[br][br][ul][li]Is different from the one you use to sign in to your Google Account[br][/li][/ul][strong]How recovery info is used[/strong][br][br]Recovery info helps you get back into your account and helps keep your account secure.[br][br]Recovery phone number[br][br]Here are some ways your recovery phone number can be used:[br][br][ul][li]To send you a code to get into your account if you’re ever locked out[br][/li][/ul][ul][li]To block someone from using your account without your permission[br][/li][/ul][ul][li]To make it easier for you to prove that an account is yours[br][/li][/ul][ul][li]To tell you if there’s suspicious activity on your account[br][/li][/ul]If your recovery phone number is the same as another phone number you’ve added to your account, it might be used for other purposes. [br][br][strong]Recovery email address[/strong][br][br]Here are some ways your recovery email address can be used:[br][br][ul][li]To confirm your username after you create an email address[br][/li][/ul][ul][li]To help you get into your account if you forget your password or can't sign in for another reason[br][/li][/ul][ul][li]To let you know if you're about to run out of storage space[br][/li][/ul][ul][li]To tell you if there’s suspicious activity on your account[br][br]Thank-you![/li][/ul] |