[p style="text-align: center;"]
[br][p style="text-align: center;"][br][h1 style="text-align: center;"]Hello XFans [/h1][p style="text-align: center;"]Something is about to happen on the 12th Day of the 12th Month 2018 [p style="text-align: center;"]CAN YOU GUESS WHAT IS IT ? IF YES THEN FOLLOW THE INSTRUCTIONS [h1 style="text-align: center;"][span style="font-weight: bold;"]Step [/span][/h1][p style="text-align: center;"]1 . Kindly fill the form[h1 style="text-align: center;"][a href="https://goo.gl/forms/TZHWQxZl31PWQwID3" target="_blank"]Click Here[/a][br][/h1][p style="text-align: center;"] [p style="text-align: center;"]2 . screen shot ur success submission and paste on this thread [p style="text-align: center;"][br][h1 style="text-align: center;"][span style="font-weight: bold;"]Reward [/span][/h1][p style="text-align: center;"]200XGold first 100 fans to guess right [p style="text-align: center;"][br] |