WhatsApp announced it will now let you know when someone has forwarded a message to you.[br][br]“WhatsApp cares deeply about your safety,” the company said in a blog post. “We encourage you to think before sharing messages that were forwarded.”[br][br]The “forwarded” label will apply to all text, image, audio, and video messages forwarded to users.[br][br]This new label feature was added in line with the social platform stopping the spread of misinformation and spam and to help users determine whether a message was actually written by a contact.[br][br]The company said that they are looking for help from researchers to solve the problem of fake news on its platform.[br][br]The company is offering a set of competitive awards to researchers interested in exploring issues related to misinformation on WhatsApp.[br][br]“The WhatsApp Research Awards will provide funding for independent research proposals that are designed to be shared with WhatsApp and Facebook,” said WhatsApp. |